As a Christian with a scientific background, it always saddens me when people find ways to create or imagine conflict between faith in God and science.
If it's true that God created the universe, then he invented science itself. The very idea of a universe that follows a consistent set of laws was his. And a good thing, too. Imagine a universe where random and unpredictable events were commonplace. Where you could pour water into a glass and, when you drink it, it might become bleach. Or where your bedroom might unexpectedly turn upside down while you were asleep in bed. Not a universe any of us would like to live in!
Some Christians see a conflict with science at the very start of the Bible, in Genesis chapter 1. The seven days of creation, interpreted literally, contradict the assertion that the universe evolved slowly over billions of years - something that science claims as fact supported by evidence.
So is science mistaken? Is the Bible in error? Or is a literal reading simply the wrong reading in this case?
When we view the Bible - a collection of ancient, Middle Eastern writings - through our modern and literalistic European lens, there's an obvious risk of misunderstanding. So, when it comes to debatable interpretations, it's surely sensible to keep an open mind and be persuadable. As Oliver Cromwell wrote to the Scottish covenanters, to 'consider it possible that you might be wrong'.
As long ago as the third century CE, Augustine of Hippo reached the same conclusion:
'In matters that are so obscure and far beyond our vision, we find in Holy Scripture passages which can be interpreted in very different ways without prejudice to the faith we have received. In such cases, we should not rush in headlong and so firmly take our stand on one side that, if further progress in the search for truth justly undermines this position, we too fall with it.' ('The Literal Meaning of Genesis').
If facts appear that call into question our interpretation of the Bible, we should examine our interpretation at least as critically as we do the facts.The Bible itself teaches that genuine faith has no need to deny facts. Abraham, 'without weakening in his faith, faced the fact that his body was as good as dead... and that Sarah’s womb was also dead' (Romans 4: 19). Jesus said, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.' (John 8: 31-32).
If we need to deny the facts to hang on to our interpretation, we've lost sight of the truth. We are shouting to become imprisoned in a big hole of our own digging.