Most of the time I prefer to avoid the issue of the millenium - the 'thousand years' referred to in Revelation chapter 20. But every now and then, I think about it again. And I have a question.
I almost hesitate to ask it, the issue is so divisive. We already have sections of the church who believe the millenium will come before the final return of Christ (post-millenialists); others who think it will come after (pre-millenialists); and still others who don't believe in it at all(amillenialists).
Come to think of it, that about covers all the available options - which makes it logically impossible for the church to be any more divided on the issue than it already is. So I guess anything I might say will be relatively harmless.
So my question is - what does Jesus believe about the millenium? Given that he does not know the hour or the day of his return (Mark 13: 32), does even the Son know whether it will be before or after the millenium? In fact, has the Father even made that decision yet? And more to the point - does it really matter?
I almost hesitate to ask it, the issue is so divisive. We already have sections of the church who believe the millenium will come before the final return of Christ (post-millenialists); others who think it will come after (pre-millenialists); and still others who don't believe in it at all(amillenialists).
Come to think of it, that about covers all the available options - which makes it logically impossible for the church to be any more divided on the issue than it already is. So I guess anything I might say will be relatively harmless.
So my question is - what does Jesus believe about the millenium? Given that he does not know the hour or the day of his return (Mark 13: 32), does even the Son know whether it will be before or after the millenium? In fact, has the Father even made that decision yet? And more to the point - does it really matter?