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The Pursuit Of Vision

Ahead of every vision, there is a time of preparation. Ahead of every birth is a pregnancy. Whatever is to come to birth outwardly must first be nurtured inwardly. The foundation must be laid before the building is constructed.
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4: 1-4
The time of preparation is vital, and all that should happen in that period must happen if the birth is to be healthy, if the building is to be strong. During that time of preparation, there are some key principles that we need to hold in mind.

1. Don't Jump The Gun

People of vision tend to be people of action who are keen to get on with it. But with God there is a right and a wrong time. The time of preparation is a time to resist and pray, a time for revelation, and time to meet with God and for the angels to minister to us. That time must come to fulness and its own purpose be completed before the action starts.

2. Don't Try To Be What You're Not

In spite of the devil's bad advice, Jesus understood what God's call upon him was, and what it was not; he understood what was within him, and what wasn't. He knew that he was not a baker, and he shouldn't try to make bread!

God will provide what is required for the vision - including other people who have gifts that we lack. The time to start is when God has provided all that is needed. It's no good trying to conjure up substitutes by our own efforts. They won't make the grade.

3. Hold The Tippex!

What God has not spoken cannot stand. In the realm of eternity, the things man creates by his own efforts appear as passing shadows. Only what is birthed by the Word of God is solid and real; only what is conceived by the architect of heaven will stand.

The essential elements of the vision must follow God's own plan. Modifying it with our own personal tastes, ideas and preferences will only weaken it. We exercise our spiritual, practical and creative gifts in the laying of the bricks, the choosing of fittings and fixtures and the colour of the paint. But the shape and structure must follow the divine plan. We must not begin until at least the first part of that plan has clarity in our minds.

4. Look For The Signs

The fulfilment of godly vision is often preceded by signs. These can include unusual events or apparent coincidences, prophecies and words of knowledge, dreams and visions; or as in this case, unusually strong temptation or spiritual attack.

Signs show us which way to go. They can redirect us, or confirm that we are going in the right direction. And they can be indicators of timing. We should not allow natural scepticism to dismiss or belittle the signs. They are god-given markers to guide and encourage us along the way . But don't give them too much importance, either. The signpost is not the destination. Don't camp out under it - it points the way forward.

5. The Beginning Is Not The End

Many God-given visions have a partial fulfilment before they come to fulness. There are early and latter rains. Before the rains come, there is a 'cloud the size of a man's hand'.

David was anointed King of Israel by Samuel, but it was many years before he sat on the throne. Jesus pronounced, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is among you', but we are still waiting for its full appearing. The temptation at such times is to settle for the early rains - for the partial fulfilment. Our challenge is to hold out for the fullness of the promises of God, and push on to our final destination.


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